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Victory (Cruiser Models)
8 Ball, Boardwalk, Cross Country, Cross Roads, Highball, Judge, Kingpin, Magnum, Vegas, Vision
8 Ball, Boardwalk, Cross Country, Cross Roads, Gunner, Hammer, Highball, Magnum, Jackpot, Judge, Kingpin, Vegas
2008 8 Ball
Devil Tail Bar Hopper with Ginz Rigid Mounts
2016 Cross Country
Devil Tail Hardcore - Hercules Series (1" diameter) and Ginz Rigid Mount

2015 Cross Country
Scorpion Hardcore and Ginz Rigid Mount
2013 Cross Country
Scorpion 30" Tall with Barbed Tail Option with US Warrior 3% Oathkeeper Skull Insert and Ginz Rigid Mount
2012 Cross Country
Hell Bent Hardcore with Peace Sign Insert and Ginz Rigid Mount
2014 Cross Country
Devil Tail Hardcore with Ginz Rigid Mounts
2005 Hammer
Hell Bent Lowrider with Ginz Rigid Mounts
2011 Hammer
Old School Lowrider with Ginz Rigid Mounts and 4" Shorty Backrest Pad
2009 Hammer
Hell Bent Hardcore with Ginz Backrest Pad and Rigid Mounts
Devil Tail Xtreme Sissy Bar
2013 Hardball
Teepee Hardcore with Ginz Rigid Mounts
2013 High Ball
Rolling Hell Xtreme with Ginz Rigid Mounts
2010 Jackpot
Teepee Hardcore with Ginz Backrest Pad and Rigid Mounts
2011 Jackpot
Hell Bent Bar Hopper with Ginz Rigid Mounts
2009 Jackpot
Teepee Hardcore and Teepee Luggage Rack with Ginz Backrest Pad and Rigid Mounts
2008 Jackpot
Hell Bent Xtreme and Hell Bent Luggage Rack with Ginz Rigid Mounts
2017 Magnum
Hell Bent Bar Hopper with 8" Backrest Pad and Ginz Rigid Mounts
Customized X1 built by our authorized dealer Rollin' Fast Cycle Sports in New Jersey. It's BAD ASS!
2016 Magnum
Devil Tail Hardcore and Ginz Detachable Mounts
2016 Magnum
Teepee Hardcore with 8" Backrest Pad and Ginz Rigid Mounts
The sissy bar is awesome on my bike...It's complimented without having to dump thousands of dollars into it... It's bad ass!
Norm, Honolulu, HI